Approved Mark Logos |
Logos that have 'approved mark' in their keyword list |
Checkmark in a Circle |
Check mark in a sphere. |
analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, check, check box, checkbox, checkmark, choose, election, evaluation, exam, examination, final exam, inquiry, mark, measure, political, politician, select, survey, test, test skills, vote |
Check Boxed |
Boxes with a check mark. |
americana, analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, check, check box, checkbox, choose, democrat, election, evaluation, exam, examination, gop, inquiry, mark, measure, patriotic, political, politician, primary, republican, select, standardized test, test, test skills, urvey, vote |
Survey Check |
Red check with a target. |
americana, analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, check, check box, checkbox, choose, circle, democrat, election, evaluation, exam, examination, gop, inquiry, mark, measure, patriotic, political, politician, primary, republican, select, standardized test, survey, target, test, test skills, vote |
Survey Results |
Red check mark with circle. |
americana, analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, check, check box, checkbox, choose, democrat, election, evaluation, exam, examination, gop, inquiry, mark, measure, patriotic, political, politician, primary, red, republican, select, standardized test, survey, test, test skills, vote |
Standardized Testing |
Globe with check box. |
analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, check, check box, check mark, checkbox, choose, democrat, earth, election, evaluation, exam, examination, global, global survey, globes, gop, inquiry, international, mark, measure, pink, political, politician, primary, red, republican, results, select, sphere, standardized test, survey, survey results, test, test skills, vote, world |
Survey Results Measured |
Red check mark and check box. |
americana, analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, check, check box, checkbox, choose, democrat, election, evaluation, exam, examination, gop, inquiry, mark, measure, patriotic, political, politician, primary, red, republican, select, standardized test, survey, test, test skills, vote |
Check it Out |
Red check in medical cross. |
analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, check, check box, check it out, checkbox, choose, democrat, election, evaluation, exam, examination, global, global survey, globes, gop, inquiry, international, mark, measure, medical, political, politician, primary, red, red cross, republican, results, select, standardized test, survey, survey results, test, test skills, vote, world |
Survey Results |
Global survey results with a checkmark. |
analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, brown, check, check box, checkbox, choose, democrat, election, evaluation, exam, examination, global, global survey, globes, gop, inquiry, international, mark, measure, orange, political, politician, primary, republican, results, select, standardized test, survey, survey results, test, test skills, vote, world |
Survey |
Checked check box for a survey company or testing analysis. |
americana, analysis, analyze, approval, approved mark, audit, check, check box, checkbox, choose, democrat, election, evaluation, exam, examination, gop, inquiry, mark, measure, patriotic, political, politician, primary, red, republican, select, standardized test, survey, test, test skills, vote |
Red Check |
Red check mark. |
approval, approved mark, check, check box, check mark, choose, large check mark, red check mark, select, survey, vote |